Contemporary Artists’ Cooperative

Do you think you might be interested in joining and living at Greene Street Artists Cooperative?
When one of our current members decides to sell their live-work unit, you may apply to buy it. If your application is accepted, you may buy the unit, take ownership of the coop shares associated with it, and become a member.
We are looking for new members who:
Are committed artists with a dedicated art practice and a track record of creating and showing artwork.
Will participate in our coop, which includes joining one of the committees we use for self-management.
Will abide by our rules and policies.
Have the flexibility, social skills, and problem-solving skills to live cooperatively.
Are excited about being part of a vibrant artistic community!
If you would like to apply to become a member of GSAC:
Follow the links below to see available units.
Contact the seller and/or their representative.
Complete and submit an application.
Stay in touch with the seller about the progress of your application.
Please see the documents below for eligibility, instructions, and an application. You can find more detailed information about GSAC there, too.
If there are no open units, you can request to be put on a waiting list by contacting us, in the form below.
Click icons below for downloadable PDFs
Thank you for your interest!
1. Membership Eligibility
2. Intro letter
3a. Buyer Instructions
3b. Seller Instructions
3c. GSAC Sell Instructions
4. Membership Application
5. Sales Agreement, Cert. of Sale
6. GSAC Bylaws
7. GSAC Handbook
8. GSAC Proprietary Lease
9. GSAC Financial Information
10. Applicant Interview Questions
GSAC provides spaces for Artist to Live and Work.
There is currently ONE UNIT for sale.